Welcome to Zutrinken, where we share drink recipes and stories for home bartenders, booze enthusiasts and party makers.
I spent 7 years bartending in Portland and Berlin. When I gave up night shifts for a day job, I wanted to find a way to stay connected to the cocktail world and immortalize some of my favorite drink recipes. That’s how Zutrinken came about.
to salute somebody with a toast and drink to their well being
jemanden mit erhobenem Glas grüßen und auf sein Wohl trinken
I am not a mixologist. You wont find any highly complicated booze hocus pocus here. Cocktails should be fun and delicious, not rocket science. I try my best to keep the ingredients accessible and provide ideas for modifying.
If you take anything away from this blog, it should be that a recipe is merely an experiment. Always feel free to switch out ingredients depending on your taste and what you have available. And don’t be discouraged if your drinks aren’t perfect on the first or second go.
Bartending is like yoga — a daily practice where you gradually get stronger and more confident with your craft. Except it’s better because you get drunk along the way.
On that note, let’s make some cocktails and mistakes together.
xo, Ava